To join the Pakistan Air Force can be a very crucial process and requires a lot of PAF Test preparation and patience to ace the test and be a part of this amazing force.
PAF test preparations require concentration and good technique which can help a candidate to fulfil all the requirements.
Pakistan Air Force announces various vacancies every year to give a chance to hundreds of candidates who have the spirit of doing something big for the country. PAF calls a lot of applicants from all over Pakistan to give them the opportunity to join this force.
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Many candidates apply for the test when the vacancies are announced and then start the PAF test preparations. This test includes many steps. It includes written tests, physical tests and medical tests.
These tests help the authorities to evaluate the candidate by every means and see if they are eligible for the place. The PAF test preparation can be done by online test papers.
First, the candidates need to be fit and do write PAF Test preparation because this is the first step which will help the candidate to move to the next step. To join the PAF the candidate must have equivalent education for the vacancy for which he/she wants to join.
After filling the application and applying for the right position according to the education eligibility, the next step is to pass the written test which can evaluate the educational matching for the position and some intelligence evaluation.
The PAF aims to select the people who can have potential and eligibility to defend the country.
After the selection process PAF trains and polishes the candidates to make them perfect for the place. Candidates can do PAF Test preparation from many online sites which can help them to pass the test by giving them relevant knowledge for the test.
For all this you need to understand the types of decision making.
Test for the PAF test preparation
Following are the tests which a candidate needs to pass to move to the next step towards the joining of PAF:
[su_note note_color=”#ffd7e6″]Written Test
The main aim of this PAF test is to check and evaluate the educational eligibility and intelligence for the seat. This is the initial step which candidates must conquer before moving to the next step. This test can include the PAF intelligence test, Physics MCQs test, Math MCQs test and BRS MCQs test.
These tests make an overall package for evaluation which includes educational as well as intelligence evaluation. The PAF intelligence test for PAF consists of two things: verbal intelligence test for PAF and Non-verbal intelligence test. This is the core of all the tests which can judge the behavior as well.
The candidates must have potential to pass this test to move to the next step. After passing all these tests especially the BRS MCQs test the candidate gets the call for an interview which can make the candidate move to the next level of selection.
The candidate can get prepared for the PAF intelligence test from many PAF online test guides which can help to get the necessary information about the test and help to pass. These PAF online test guides are made after years of research and previous tests to help to do PAF test preparation with the help of PAF online test.[/su_note]
[su_note note_color=”#efd7ff”]Physical Test
Physical tests can be very difficult to pass because this field needs great skills and the future can be held in hand by these candidates. The reason is the aeronautical engineers are responsible for building and designing the aircraft which requires high skills and focus.
If you want to pass this test, you need a lot of skills and practice. A true soldier requires good mental strength, physical fitness and great strength. This test can include running which can be 1.6 km in 7 minutes, 15 push-ups in 2 minutes, pull-ups (chin-ups) for two minutes and 15 sit-ups in 2 minutes.
This test helps the recruiter to evaluate the strengths and stamina of a candidate and see if the candidate can survive physically and have physical potential to join the PAF.[/su_note]
[su_note note_color=”#d7e8ff”]Medical Test
The aim of this test is to see the medical fitness of the candidate. The basic requirements of this test are the candidate must have a minimum of 5 feet 4 inches height, weight must be according to body mass index chart, the eyesight must be 6/6 without glasses, there should be no obvious/ visible physical defect.
These are the initial physical test which will lead towards to final medical test which comes after ISSB clearance which includes all the initial medical test redone, full X-ray of the chest, requires blood test and pathology report, urine test, ears test to examine the eardrum damage, candidate need to visit surgical specialist for examination and complete body examine by a doctor.
After clearing all these tests, the candidate gets selected in the PAF and starts the journey towards solidarity.[/su_note]