Admission Fee (Non-refundable) will be charged once from every new student at the time of admission. Security Fee (if applicable) is also payable only at the time of admission and is refundable at the time of withdrawal.
The Annual Resource Charges will be paid annually by every student.
There is five percent (5%) discount for full payment (one year) of tuition fee by July 10.
The tuition fee shall be charged monthly in advance for all grades/classes, and tuition fee cut-off date is 10th of every calendar month.
If a monthly payment is not received by the due date as noted on the tuition fee bill, a late fee fine of Rs. 10 per day will be charged till the expiry of validity date of the bill (Callahan form), which is 20th of every month. After the expiry of validity date, the tuition fee bill will be considered invalid, and new fee bill will only be issued with an additional fine of Rs. 500/-per fee bill plus the late payment charges incurred till that day.
The fee defaulters (students whose fees remain payable even after the expiry of Due/Validity Date) are issued periodic reminders followed by the Final Reminder, thereafter the student will not be permitted to attend class until the total amount due, including late fees, is paid in full.
Parents/Guardians habitually defaulting on fees payment have the risk of making their children liable to being struck off the school roll. The security deposit of students will be adjusted against their unpaid dues.
Re-applying will be treated as a fresh enrollment and processing of such application will be subject to the vacancy and clearance of all outstanding dues, penalty amount and the re-payment of an admission fee of Rs. 3000.
Where a parent/guardian believes financial circumstances have arisen that will prevent or delay the payment of the school fee, a variety of options are available, such as
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